100 years on in Hong Kong by 2014, the Tse family, as a socially responsible corporate citizen, will continue to march on with its relentless initiatives to seed and inculcate what it will take to make Hong Kong a more cohesive and caring place to live in.
On the strength of a simple concept – to take and to give, we have set out to examine how we can approach this issue as it could be a widely held opinion that the more we can do, the better it will be.
We have deliberated to focus our resources support to the less fortunate and the disadvantaged among the young through the establishment and running of Hop Yuen Charitable Fund, and to those who lag behind in academic results by connecting them with learning opportunities for trade skills and potentially longer-term employment opportunities.
“We have been supporting some other charitable organisations such as Awareness Foundation and St John’s Cathedral HIV Education Centre in their activities, as the connectivity can help us reach out to more of those in need, in Hong Kong or elsewhere”.
Awareness Foundation – http://www.awareness-foundation.co.uk/
The Awareness Foundation is an educational charity that works to empower people everywhere to be a counter force of love and peace to the intolerance and mistrust that now prevail in so many of our communities, and to build understanding between the faiths. Our three central programmes are:
PAX, an online collection of short but challenging videos promoting community harmony through a better understanding of faith and inter-faith awareness.
Ambassadors of Peace, which teaches young Syrian and Iraqi men and women how to work for peace and reconciliation.
Little Heroes, which helps displaced Syrian children to learn to trust and to hope again, each being a little peacemaker in their new communities.
St John’s Cathedral HIV Education Centre – www.sjhivctr.com
關於我們 Who We Are
The HIV Education Centre of St. John’s Cathedral (Anglican Cathedral in Hong Kong) was established in 1995 to respond to the AIDS epidemic. It was the first faith-based organization to undertake an AIDS ministry in Hong Kong.
Since its inception, the Centre has dedicated its efforts in providing HIV/AIDS and sexual health services including conducting education programmes for different demographics of the community such as women, youth, ethnic minorities; nurturing interfaith cooperation ; launching research projects and enabling practising opportunities to undergraduate students.
聖約翰座堂「愛之家」諮詢及服務中心是本港首間本著基督信仰的愛滋病服務團體,也是香港聖公會聖約翰座堂關懷社區的一個重要服務項目。自1995年服務香港, 通過舉辦不同類型的活動包括為社區、青年、婦女及少數族裔提供愛滋病及性健康教育、跨區域合作、研究及為專上學生提供實習機會等,以加強公眾對愛滋病的認識和接納。